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Names and sources
Name | Source |
Oenothera |
Synonym | Source |
Pleurostemon Heterotypic_Synonym |
Onagra Homotypic_Synonym |
Pseudo-oenothera Homotypic_Synonym |
Usoricum Homotypic_Synonym |
Brunyera Homotypic_Synonym |
Gaurella Heterotypic_Synonym |
Pleurandra Heterotypic_Synonym |
Antogoeringia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Gauridium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Schizocarya Heterotypic_Synonym |
Megapterium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Onosuris Heterotypic_Synonym |
Raimannia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Xylopleurum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Calylophus Heterotypic_Synonym |
Dictyopetalum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Stenosiphon Heterotypic_Synonym |
Baumannia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Hartmannia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Blennoderma Heterotypic_Synonym |
Salpingia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Lavauxia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Pachylophus Heterotypic_Synonym |
Peniophyllum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Anogra Heterotypic_Synonym |
Meriolix Heterotypic_Synonym |
Galpinsia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Gauropsis Heterotypic_Synonym |
Gaura Heterotypic_Synonym |
Kneiffia Heterotypic_Synonym |
- genus
- Oenothera
- species
- Oenothera acaulis
- species
- Oenothera acutifolia
- species
- Oenothera acutissima
- species
- Oenothera adriatica
- species
- Oenothera affinis
- species
- Oenothera albicaulis
- species
- Oenothera anomala
- species
- Oenothera arequipensis
- species
- Oenothera argillicola
- species
- Oenothera arida
- species
- Oenothera arizonica
- species
- Oenothera australis
- species
- Oenothera autranii
- species
- Oenothera avita
- species
- Oenothera bahia-blancae
- species
- Oenothera bertolonii
- species
- Oenothera biennis
- species
- Oenothera boquillensis
- species
- Oenothera brachycarpa
- species
- Oenothera brandegeei
- species
- Oenothera breedlovei
- species
- Oenothera brevipetala
- species
- Oenothera calcicola
- species
- Oenothera candida
- species
- Oenothera canescens
- species
- Oenothera capillifolia
- species
- Oenothera catharinensis
- species
- Oenothera cavernae
- species
- Oenothera centaureifolia
- species
- Oenothera cespitosa
- species
- Oenothera cinerea
- species
- Oenothera clelandii
- species
- Oenothera cochinchinensis
- species
- Oenothera cognata
- species
- Oenothera coloradensis
- species
- Oenothera columbiana
- species
- Oenothera coquimbensis
- species
- Oenothera cordata
- species
- Oenothera coronopifolia
- species
- Oenothera coryi
- species
- Oenothera corymbosa
- species
- Oenothera crispa
- species
- Oenothera cuneifolia
- species
- Oenothera curtiflora
- species
- Oenothera curtissii
- species
- Oenothera cuspidata
- species
- Oenothera davisii
- species
- Oenothera deltoides
- species
- Oenothera demareei
- species
- Oenothera dentata
- species
- Oenothera deserticola
- species
- Oenothera dissecta
- species
- Oenothera dodgeniana
- species
- Oenothera drummondii
- species
- Oenothera elata
- species
- Oenothera elongata
- species
- Oenothera eminens
- species
- Oenothera engelmannii
- species
- Oenothera epilobiifolia
- species
- Oenothera falfurriae
- species
- Oenothera fallacoides
- species
- Oenothera featherstonei
- species
- Oenothera filiformis
- species
- Oenothera filipes
- species
- Oenothera flava
- species
- Oenothera formosa
- species
- Oenothera fruticosa
- species
- Oenothera gaura
- species
- Oenothera gayleana
- species
- Oenothera glaucifolia
- species
- Oenothera glazioviana
- species
- Oenothera globularis
- species
- Oenothera grandiflora
- species
- Oenothera grandis
- species
- Oenothera grisea
- species
- Oenothera guttata
- species
- Oenothera harringtonii
- species
- Oenothera hartwegii
- species
- Oenothera havardii
- species
- Oenothera heterophylla
- species
- Oenothera hexandra
- species
- Oenothera hispida
- species
- Oenothera howardii
- species
- Oenothera humifusa
- species
- Oenothera hyssopifolia
- species
- Oenothera indecora
- species
- Oenothera italica
- species
- Oenothera jacquinii
- species
- Oenothera jamesii
- species
- Oenothera kunthiana
- species
- Oenothera laciniata
- species
- Oenothera lasiocarpa
- species
- Oenothera lavandulifolia
- species
- Oenothera lindheimeri
- species
- Oenothera linearis
- species
- Oenothera linifolia
- species
- Oenothera longiflora
- species
- Oenothera longissima
- species
- Oenothera longituba
- species
- Oenothera luciae-julianiae
- species
- Oenothera macrocarpa
- species
- Oenothera macrosceles
- species
- Oenothera maculata
- species
- Oenothera magellanica
- species
- Oenothera malacophylla
- species
- Oenothera maysillesii
- species
- Oenothera mckelveyae
- species
- Oenothera mendocinensis
- species
- Oenothera mexicana
- species
- Oenothera mollis
- species
- Oenothera mollissima
- species
- Oenothera montevidensis
- species
- Oenothera muelleri
- species
- Oenothera multicaulis
- species
- Oenothera nana
- species
- Oenothera nealleyi
- species
- Oenothera neomexicana
- species
- Oenothera nervosa
- species
- Oenothera nocturna
- species
- Oenothera nutans
- species
- Oenothera nuttallii
- species
- Oenothera oakesiana
- species
- Oenothera odorata
- species
- Oenothera organensis
- species
- Oenothera orizabae
- species
- Oenothera pallida
- species
- Oenothera parodiana
- species
- Oenothera parviflora
- species
- Oenothera patriciae
- species
- Oenothera pedunculifolia
- species
- Oenothera pennellii
- species
- Oenothera perennis
- species
- Oenothera peruana
- species
- Oenothera picensis
- species
- Oenothera pilosella
- species
- Oenothera platanorum
- species
- Oenothera podocarpa
- species
- Oenothera primiveris
- species
- Oenothera pripjatiensis
- species
- Oenothera psammophila
- species
- Oenothera pseudoelongata
- species
- Oenothera pubescens
- species
- Oenothera punae
- species
- Oenothera punctata
- species
- Oenothera ravenii
- species
- Oenothera recurva
- species
- Oenothera resicum
- species
- Oenothera rhombipetala
- species
- Oenothera riparia
- species
- Oenothera riskindii
- species
- Oenothera rivadaviae
- species
- Oenothera rosea
- species
- Oenothera salicifolia
- species
- Oenothera sandiana
- species
- Oenothera santarii
- species
- Oenothera scabra
- species
- Oenothera seifrizii
- species
- Oenothera serrulata
- species
- Oenothera sessilis
- species
- Oenothera siambonensis
- species
- Oenothera simulans
- species
- Oenothera sinuosa
- species
- Oenothera spachiana
- species
- Oenothera speciosa
- species
- Oenothera speciosioides
- species
- Oenothera stricta
- species
- Oenothera stubbei
- species
- Oenothera subincana
- species
- Oenothera suffrutescens
- species
- Oenothera suffulta
- species
- Oenothera tafiensis
- species
- Oenothera tamrae
- species
- Oenothera tarijensis
- species
- Oenothera tetragona
- species
- Oenothera tetraptera
- species
- Oenothera tetrapteroides
- species
- Oenothera texensis
- species
- Oenothera toumeyi
- species
- Oenothera triangulata
- species
- Oenothera triloba
- species
- Oenothera tubicula
- species
- Oenothera tubifera
- species
- Oenothera tucumanensis
- species
- Oenothera uniflora
- species
- Oenothera verrucosa
- species
- Oenothera versicolor
- species
- Oenothera villaricae
- species
- Oenothera villosa
- species
- Oenothera wigginsii
- species
- Oenothera wolfii
- species
- Oenothera xylocarpa
- species
- Oenothera × braunii
- species
- Oenothera × clavifera
- species
- Oenothera × drawertii
- species
- Oenothera × fallax
- species
- Oenothera × heiniana
- species
- Oenothera × moravica
- species
- Oenothera × polgari
- species
- Oenothera × purpurans
- species
- Oenothera × slovaca
- species
- Oenothera × taraxeri
- species
- Oenothera × teframila
- species
- Oenothera × torreyoides
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Name references found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Data sets | Licence | Records |