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Names and sources
Name | Source |
Zephyranthes |
Synonym | Source |
Argyropsis Heterotypic_Synonym |
Mesochloa Heterotypic_Synonym |
Bathya Heterotypic_Synonym |
Myostemma Heterotypic_Synonym |
Atamasco Heterotypic_Synonym |
Famatina Heterotypic_Synonym |
Arviela Heterotypic_Synonym |
Haylockia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Sceptranthes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Zephyranthella Heterotypic_Synonym |
Pogonema Heterotypic_Synonym |
Eithea Heterotypic_Synonym |
× Cooperanthes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Plectronema Heterotypic_Synonym |
Cooperia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Habranthus Heterotypic_Synonym |
Aidema Heterotypic_Synonym |
Atamosco Heterotypic_Synonym |
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- Zephyranthes
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- Zephyranthes advena
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- Zephyranthes alba
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- Zephyranthes albiella
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- Zephyranthes albolilacina
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- Zephyranthes amambaica
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- Zephyranthes americana
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- Zephyranthes amoena
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- Zephyranthes ananuca
- species
- Zephyranthes andalgalensis
- species
- Zephyranthes andina
- species
- Zephyranthes araguaiensis
- species
- Zephyranthes araucana
- species
- Zephyranthes arenicola
- species
- Zephyranthes atamasco
- species
- Zephyranthes aurata
- species
- Zephyranthes bagnoldii
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- Zephyranthes bahiensis
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- Zephyranthes bakeri
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- Zephyranthes barrosiana
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- Zephyranthes bella
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- Zephyranthes berteroana
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- Zephyranthes bifida
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- Zephyranthes bifolia
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- Zephyranthes blumenavia
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- Zephyranthes botumirimensis
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- Zephyranthes brachyandra
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- Zephyranthes brevipes
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- Zephyranthes breviscapa
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- Zephyranthes briquetii
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- Zephyranthes caaguazuensis
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- Zephyranthes caerulea
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- Zephyranthes calderensis
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- Zephyranthes candida
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- Zephyranthes capivarina
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- Zephyranthes cardinalis
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- Zephyranthes carinata
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- Zephyranthes carminea
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- Zephyranthes cearensis
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- Zephyranthes chacoensis
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- Zephyranthes chichimeca
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- Zephyranthes chlorosolen
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- Zephyranthes chrysantha
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- Zephyranthes ciceroana
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- Zephyranthes cisandina
- species
- Zephyranthes citrina
- species
- Zephyranthes clintiae
- species
- Zephyranthes colonum
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- Zephyranthes comunelloi
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- Zephyranthes concinna
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- Zephyranthes concolor
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- Zephyranthes consobrina
- species
- Zephyranthes contermina
- species
- Zephyranthes conzattii
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- Zephyranthes correntina
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- Zephyranthes crassibulba
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- Zephyranthes crociflora
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- Zephyranthes cubensis
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- Zephyranthes datensis
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- Zephyranthes depauperata
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- Zephyranthes dichromantha
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- Zephyranthes diluta
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- Zephyranthes drummondii
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- Zephyranthes duarteana
- species
- Zephyranthes elegans
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- Zephyranthes elwesii
- species
- Zephyranthes erubescens
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- Zephyranthes estensis
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- Zephyranthes filifolia
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- Zephyranthes flavissima
- species
- Zephyranthes fluvialis
- species
- Zephyranthes fosteri
- species
- Zephyranthes gameleirensis
- species
- Zephyranthes gilliesiana
- species
- Zephyranthes goiana
- species
- Zephyranthes graciliflora
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- Zephyranthes gracilifolia
- species
- Zephyranthes gracilis
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- Zephyranthes gratissima
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- Zephyranthes guachipensis
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- Zephyranthes guatemalensis
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- Zephyranthes hondurensis
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- Zephyranthes howardii
- species
- Zephyranthes immaculata
- species
- Zephyranthes insularum
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- Zephyranthes irwiniana
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- Zephyranthes ischihualasta
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- Zephyranthes ita-andivi
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- Zephyranthes itaobina
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- Zephyranthes jamesonii
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- Zephyranthes jonesii
- species
- Zephyranthes jujuyensis
- species
- Zephyranthes katheriniae
- species
- Zephyranthes lactea
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- Zephyranthes laeta
- species
- Zephyranthes lagesiana
- species
- Zephyranthes lagopaivae
- species
- Zephyranthes latissimifolia
- species
- Zephyranthes leonensis
- species
- Zephyranthes leptandra
- species
- Zephyranthes leucantha
- species
- Zephyranthes lindleyana
- species
- Zephyranthes lineata
- species
- Zephyranthes longifolia
- species
- Zephyranthes longipes
- species
- Zephyranthes longistyla
- species
- Zephyranthes longituba
- species
- Zephyranthes lucida
- species
- Zephyranthes macrosiphon
- species
- Zephyranthes maculata
- species
- Zephyranthes magnoi
- species
- Zephyranthes martinezii
- species
- Zephyranthes mataca
- species
- Zephyranthes matogrossensis
- species
- Zephyranthes medinae
- species
- Zephyranthes mendocensis
- species
- Zephyranthes mesochloa
- species
- Zephyranthes mexicana
- species
- Zephyranthes microcarpa
- species
- Zephyranthes microstigma
- species
- Zephyranthes millarensis
- species
- Zephyranthes minima
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- Zephyranthes minor
- species
- Zephyranthes minuta
- species
- Zephyranthes miradorensis
- species
- Zephyranthes moctezumae
- species
- Zephyranthes modesta
- species
- Zephyranthes moelleri
- species
- Zephyranthes monantha
- species
- Zephyranthes montana
- species
- Zephyranthes morrisclintii
- species
- Zephyranthes nelsonii
- species
- Zephyranthes nervosa
- species
- Zephyranthes neumannii
- species
- Zephyranthes nymphaea
- species
- Zephyranthes oranensis
- species
- Zephyranthes orellanae
- species
- Zephyranthes pantanalensis
- species
- Zephyranthes paranaensis
- species
- Zephyranthes pedunculosa
- species
- Zephyranthes philadelphica
- species
- Zephyranthes phycelloides
- species
- Zephyranthes picta
- species
- Zephyranthes plumieri
- species
- Zephyranthes popetana
- species
- Zephyranthes primulina
- species
- Zephyranthes proctorii
- species
- Zephyranthes pseudoconcolor
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- Zephyranthes puertoricensis
- species
- Zephyranthes pulchella
- species
- Zephyranthes purpurea
- species
- Zephyranthes purpurella
- species
- Zephyranthes refugiensis
- species
- Zephyranthes reginae
- species
- Zephyranthes riojana
- species
- Zephyranthes robusta
- species
- Zephyranthes rosalensis
- species
- Zephyranthes rosea
- species
- Zephyranthes rubra
- species
- Zephyranthes ruizlealii
- species
- Zephyranthes saipinensis
- species
- Zephyranthes salinarum
- species
- Zephyranthes saltensis
- species
- Zephyranthes sanavirone
- species
- Zephyranthes sarae
- species
- Zephyranthes schulziana
- species
- Zephyranthes sessilis
- species
- Zephyranthes simpsonii
- species
- Zephyranthes smallii
- species
- Zephyranthes solisii
- species
- Zephyranthes spectabilis
- species
- Zephyranthes splendens
- species
- Zephyranthes sprekeliopsis
- species
- Zephyranthes stellaris
- species
- Zephyranthes stellatorosea
- species
- Zephyranthes steyermarkii
- species
- Zephyranthes subflava
- species
- Zephyranthes susatana
- species
- Zephyranthes sylvatica
- species
- Zephyranthes tenuiflora
- species
- Zephyranthes tepicensis
- species
- Zephyranthes traubii
- species
- Zephyranthes treatiae
- species
- Zephyranthes tubispatha
- species
- Zephyranthes tucumanensis
- species
- Zephyranthes uruguaianica
- species
- Zephyranthes venturiana
- species
- Zephyranthes versicolor
- species
- Zephyranthes vittata
- species
- Zephyranthes wrightii
- species
- Zephyranthes yaviensis
- species
- Zephyranthes zapotecana
- species
- Zephyranthes × adonis
- species
- Zephyranthes × ajax
- species
- Zephyranthes × flaggii
- species
- Zephyranthes × lancastrae
- species
- Zephyranthes × ruthiae
- species
- Zephyranthes × spofforthiana
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Name references found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Data sets | Licence | Records |