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Names and sources
Name | Source |
Trichomanes |
Synonym | Source |
Crepidomanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Vandenboschia Heterotypic_Synonym |
Cephalomanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Abrodictyum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Callistopteris Heterotypic_Synonym |
Lecanium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Lacosteopsis Heterotypic_Synonym |
Mortoniopteris Heterotypic_Synonym |
Neurophyllum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Nesopteris Heterotypic_Synonym |
Pleuromanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Reediella Heterotypic_Synonym |
Ragatelus Heterotypic_Synonym |
Ptilophyllum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Taschneria Heterotypic_Synonym |
Selenodesmium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Pyxidaria Heterotypic_Synonym |
Craspedoneuron Heterotypic_Synonym |
Gonocormus Heterotypic_Synonym |
Davalliopsis Heterotypic_Synonym |
Polyphlebium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Microtrichomanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Neuromanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Crepidopteris Heterotypic_Synonym |
Leucomanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Lacostea Heterotypic_Synonym |
Maschalosorus Heterotypic_Synonym |
Feea Heterotypic_Synonym |
Habrodictyon Heterotypic_Synonym |
Lecanolepis Heterotypic_Synonym |
Odontomanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Phlebiophyllum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Pteromanes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Didymoglossum Heterotypic_Synonym |
Hemiphlebium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Homoeotes Heterotypic_Synonym |
Macroglena Heterotypic_Synonym |
Microgonium Heterotypic_Synonym |
Hymenostachys Heterotypic_Synonym |
Trigonophyllum Heterotypic_Synonym |
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- Trichomanes
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- Trichomanes accedens
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- Trichomanes acrocarpon
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- Trichomanes acrosorum
- species
- Trichomanes adscendens
- species
- Trichomanes africanum
- species
- Trichomanes alatum
- species
- Trichomanes anadromum
- species
- Trichomanes angustatum
- species
- Trichomanes angustifrons
- species
- Trichomanes angustimarginatum
- species
- Trichomanes ankersii
- species
- Trichomanes anomalum
- species
- Trichomanes aphlebioides
- species
- Trichomanes apiifolium
- species
- Trichomanes arbuscula
- species
- Trichomanes asae-grayi
- species
- Trichomanes atrovirens
- species
- Trichomanes aureovestitum
- species
- Trichomanes auriculatum
- species
- Trichomanes baldwinii
- species
- Trichomanes ballardianum
- species
- Trichomanes bancroftii
- species
- Trichomanes barklyanum
- species
- Trichomanes barnardianum
- species
- Trichomanes bauerianum
- species
- Trichomanes beaverianum
- species
- Trichomanes benlii
- species
- Trichomanes bicorne
- species
- Trichomanes bilabiatum
- species
- Trichomanes bimarginatum
- species
- Trichomanes bipunctatum
- species
- Trichomanes birmanicum
- species
- Trichomanes bissei
- species
- Trichomanes boivinii
- species
- Trichomanes bonapartei
- species
- Trichomanes boninense
- species
- Trichomanes boryanum
- species
- Trichomanes boschianum
- species
- Trichomanes botryoides
- species
- Trichomanes brassii
- species
- Trichomanes brevipes
- species
- Trichomanes bryoides
- species
- Trichomanes bucinatum
- species
- Trichomanes caespifrons
- species
- Trichomanes caliginum
- species
- Trichomanes caluffii
- species
- Trichomanes calyculatum
- species
- Trichomanes campanulatum
- species
- Trichomanes capillaceum
- species
- Trichomanes caudatum
- species
- Trichomanes cellulosum
- species
- Trichomanes chamaedrys
- species
- Trichomanes chevalieri
- species
- Trichomanes christii
- species
- Trichomanes clarenceanum
- species
- Trichomanes clathratum
- species
- Trichomanes cocos
- species
- Trichomanes colensoi
- species
- Trichomanes collariatum
- species
- Trichomanes confusum
- species
- Trichomanes crassipilis
- species
- Trichomanes crassum
- species
- Trichomanes crinitum
- species
- Trichomanes crispiforme
- species
- Trichomanes crispum
- species
- Trichomanes cristatum
- species
- Trichomanes cumingii
- species
- Trichomanes cupressoides
- species
- Trichomanes curranii
- species
- Trichomanes curtii
- species
- Trichomanes cuspidatum
- species
- Trichomanes cylindratum
- species
- Trichomanes cyrtotheca
- species
- Trichomanes cystoseiroides
- species
- Trichomanes dactylites
- species
- Trichomanes dagnense
- species
- Trichomanes davallioides
- species
- Trichomanes delicatum
- species
- Trichomanes densinervium
- species
- Trichomanes dentatum
- species
- Trichomanes diaphanum
- species
- Trichomanes diversifrons
- species
- Trichomanes draytonianum
- species
- Trichomanes dregei
- species
- Trichomanes ebiharae
- species
- Trichomanes egleri
- species
- Trichomanes ekmanii
- species
- Trichomanes elegans
- species
- Trichomanes elongatum
- species
- Trichomanes endlicherianum
- species
- Trichomanes erosum
- species
- Trichomanes exiguum
- species
- Trichomanes exsectum
- species
- Trichomanes falcatum
- species
- Trichomanes fallax
- species
- Trichomanes falsinervulosum
- species
- Trichomanes fargesii
- species
- Trichomanes flavofuscum
- species
- Trichomanes floridanum
- species
- Trichomanes fontanum
- species
- Trichomanes formosum
- species
- Trichomanes franceae
- species
- Trichomanes frappieri
- species
- Trichomanes friedrichsthalii
- species
- Trichomanes fulgens
- species
- Trichomanes galeottii
- species
- Trichomanes giesenhagenii
- species
- Trichomanes giganteum
- species
- Trichomanes godmanii
- species
- Trichomanes gourlianum
- species
- Trichomanes grande
- species
- Trichomanes guidoi
- species
- Trichomanes guineense
- species
- Trichomanes haughtii
- species
- Trichomanes henzaianum
- species
- Trichomanes henzaiense
- species
- Trichomanes herzogii
- species
- Trichomanes hildebrandtii
- species
- Trichomanes hokurikuense
- species
- Trichomanes holopterum
- species
- Trichomanes hookeri
- species
- Trichomanes hostmannianum
- species
- Trichomanes humboldtii
- species
- Trichomanes humile
- species
- Trichomanes hymenoides
- species
- Trichomanes hymenophylloides
- species
- Trichomanes idoneum
- species
- Trichomanes inexpectatum
- species
- Trichomanes ingae
- species
- Trichomanes inopinatum
- species
- Trichomanes intermedium
- species
- Trichomanes intramarginale
- species
- Trichomanes intricatum
- species
- Trichomanes javanicum
- species
- Trichomanes jenmanii
- species
- Trichomanes johnstonense
- species
- Trichomanes kalbreyeri
- species
- Trichomanes kalimantanense
- species
- Trichomanes kapplerianum
- species
- Trichomanes killipii
- species
- Trichomanes kingii
- species
- Trichomanes kirkii
- species
- Trichomanes krausii
- species
- Trichomanes kurzii
- species
- Trichomanes labiatum
- species
- Trichomanes laciniatum
- species
- Trichomanes laciniosum
- species
- Trichomanes laetum
- species
- Trichomanes latealatum
- species
- Trichomanes latemarginale
- species
- Trichomanes lechleri
- species
- Trichomanes lehmannii
- species
- Trichomanes lenormandii
- species
- Trichomanes lentum
- species
- Trichomanes levissimum
- species
- Trichomanes liberiense
- species
- Trichomanes lineolatum
- species
- Trichomanes liukiuense
- species
- Trichomanes lofoushanense
- species
- Trichomanes longilabiatum
- species
- Trichomanes lorencei
- species
- Trichomanes lozanoi
- species
- Trichomanes lucens
- species
- Trichomanes ludovicianum
- species
- Trichomanes ludovicinum
- species
- Trichomanes macilentum
- species
- Trichomanes madagascariense
- species
- Trichomanes majoriae
- species
- Trichomanes makinoi
- species
- Trichomanes mannii
- species
- Trichomanes martiusii
- species
- Trichomanes mascarenense
- species
- Trichomanes maximum
- species
- Trichomanes megistostomum
- species
- Trichomanes melanopus
- species
- Trichomanes melanotrichum
- species
- Trichomanes membranaceum
- species
- Trichomanes mettenii
- species
- Trichomanes micayense
- species
- Trichomanes micropubescens
- species
- Trichomanes millefolium
- species
- Trichomanes mindorense
- species
- Trichomanes minutum
- species
- Trichomanes miuraense
- species
- Trichomanes mosenii
- species
- Trichomanes motleyi
- species
- Trichomanes mougeotii
- species
- Trichomanes murilloanum
- species
- Trichomanes nipponicum
- species
- Trichomanes nummularium
- species
- Trichomanes obscurum
- species
- Trichomanes opacum
- species
- Trichomanes orbiculare
- species
- Trichomanes orientale
- species
- Trichomanes ornatulum
- species
- Trichomanes osmundoides
- species
- Trichomanes ovale
- species
- Trichomanes pachyphlebium
- species
- Trichomanes padronii
- species
- Trichomanes parviflorum
- species
- Trichomanes parvifolium
- species
- Trichomanes parvulum
- species
- Trichomanes paucisorum
- species
- Trichomanes pedicellatum
- species
- Trichomanes pellucens
- species
- Trichomanes pervenulosum
- species
- Trichomanes petersii
- species
- Trichomanes philippianum
- species
- Trichomanes pilosum
- species
- Trichomanes pinnatifidum
- species
- Trichomanes pinnatinervium
- species
- Trichomanes pinnatum
- species
- Trichomanes pluma
- species
- Trichomanes plumosum
- species
- Trichomanes poeppigii
- species
- Trichomanes polypodioides
- species
- Trichomanes polystromaticum
- species
- Trichomanes procerum
- species
- Trichomanes pseudonymanii
- species
- Trichomanes punctatum
- species
- Trichomanes pusillum
- species
- Trichomanes pygmaeum
- species
- Trichomanes pyxidiferum
- species
- Trichomanes radicans
- species
- Trichomanes ramitrichum
- species
- Trichomanes reptans
- species
- Trichomanes resinosum
- species
- Trichomanes rhipidophyllum
- species
- Trichomanes rhomboidale
- species
- Trichomanes ribae
- species
- Trichomanes rigidum
- species
- Trichomanes robinsonii
- species
- Trichomanes robustum
- species
- Trichomanes roraimense
- species
- Trichomanes rotundifolium
- species
- Trichomanes rupestre
- species
- Trichomanes rupicola
- species
- Trichomanes samoense
- species
- Trichomanes saxifragoides
- species
- Trichomanes scandens
- species
- Trichomanes schlechteri
- species
- Trichomanes schmidianum
- species
- Trichomanes serratifolium
- species
- Trichomanes setaceum
- species
- Trichomanes shenzhenense
- species
- Trichomanes siamense
- species
- Trichomanes singaporianum
- species
- Trichomanes sinuatum
- species
- Trichomanes societense
- species
- Trichomanes solitarum
- species
- Trichomanes speciosum
- species
- Trichomanes sphenoides
- species
- Trichomanes spruceanum
- species
- Trichomanes sprucei
- species
- Trichomanes steyermarkii
- species
- Trichomanes striatum
- species
- Trichomanes strictum
- species
- Trichomanes subclathratum
- species
- Trichomanes sublabiatum
- species
- Trichomanes sublimbatum
- species
- Trichomanes sumatranum
- species
- Trichomanes superbum
- species
- Trichomanes tahitense
- species
- Trichomanes tamarisciforme
- species
- Trichomanes tamonii
- species
- Trichomanes tanaicum
- species
- Trichomanes tenuissimum
- species
- Trichomanes thysanostomum
- species
- Trichomanes translucens
- species
- Trichomanes trichopodium
- species
- Trichomanes trigonum
- species
- Trichomanes trollii
- species
- Trichomanes truncatum
- species
- Trichomanes tubiflora
- species
- Trichomanes tuerckheimii
- species
- Trichomanes turckheimii
- species
- Trichomanes ulei
- species
- Trichomanes vandenboschii
- species
- Trichomanes varians
- species
- Trichomanes vaupesensis
- species
- Trichomanes venosum
- species
- Trichomanes vieillardii
- species
- Trichomanes vitiense
- species
- Trichomanes vittaria
- species
- Trichomanes walleri
- species
- Trichomanes wallii
- species
- Trichomanes werneri
- species
- Trichomanes windischianum
- species
- Trichomanes × quelpaertense
- species
- Trichomanes × stenosiphon
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Name references found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Data sets | Licence | Records |