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Names and sources
Name | Source |
Stigmaphyllon |
Synonym | Source |
Brachypterys Heterotypic_Synonym |
Ryssopterys Heterotypic_Synonym |
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- genus
- Stigmaphyllon
- species
- Stigmaphyllon aberrans
- species
- Stigmaphyllon abutilifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon acuminatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon adenodon
- species
- Stigmaphyllon adenophorum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon affine
- species
- Stigmaphyllon albidum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon alternans
- species
- Stigmaphyllon alternifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon angulosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon angustifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon angustilobum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon arenicola
- species
- Stigmaphyllon argenteum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon auriculatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon australiense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides
- species
- Stigmaphyllon blanchetii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon bogotense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon boliviense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon bonariense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon bradei
- species
- Stigmaphyllon brassii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon caatingicola
- species
- Stigmaphyllon calcaratum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon carautae
- species
- Stigmaphyllon cardiophyllum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon cavernulosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon ciliatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon coccolobifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon coloratum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon columbicum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon convolvulifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon cordatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon crenatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon cuzcanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon dealbatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon dichotomum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon discolor
- species
- Stigmaphyllon diversifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon echitoides
- species
- Stigmaphyllon ecuadorense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon eggersii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon ellipticum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon emarginatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon finlayanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon floribundum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon florosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon gayanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon glabrum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon goudotii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon grandifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon gymnopodum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon harleyi
- species
- Stigmaphyllon hatschbachii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon herbaceum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon hispidum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon intermedium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon jobertii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon laciniatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon lacunosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon lalandianum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon lindenianum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon macedoanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon mackeeanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon macropodum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon mariae
- species
- Stigmaphyllon matogrossense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon maynense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon mcphersonii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon merrillii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon micranthum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon microphyllum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon nipense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon nudiflorum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon occidentale
- species
- Stigmaphyllon orientale
- species
- Stigmaphyllon palmatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon panamense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon papuanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon paraense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon paralias
- species
- Stigmaphyllon patricianum-firmenichianum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon peruvianum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon pseudopuberum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon puberulum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon puberum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon pullenii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon retusum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon romeroi
- species
- Stigmaphyllon rotundifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon salzmannii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon sarmentosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon saxicola
- species
- Stigmaphyllon selerianum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon singulare
- species
- Stigmaphyllon sinuatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon solomonense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon stenophyllum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon strigosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon stylopogon
- species
- Stigmaphyllon suffruticosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon sundaicum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon taomense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon tarapotense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon tergolanatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon timoriense
- species
- Stigmaphyllon tomentosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon tonduzii
- species
- Stigmaphyllon umbellatum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon urenifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon velutinum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon venulosum
- species
- Stigmaphyllon vitifolium
- species
- Stigmaphyllon yungasense
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Name references found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Data sets | Licence | Records |