Search for Silene antirrhina returned 33 results.

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  • Taxonomic rank: Infraspecific Name


  1. infraspecificname: Silene cucubalus proles breviflora (Rouy) Rouy & Foucaud

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  3. Synonym of Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris null
  4. infraspecificname: Silene cucubalus proles glareosa (Jord.) Rouy & Foucaud

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  6. Synonym of Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa (Jord.) Marsden-Jones & Turrill
  7. infraspecificname: Silene ciliata proles elegans (Link ex Brot.) Samp.

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  9. Synonym of Silene ciliata subsp. ciliata null
  10. infraspecificname: Silene acaulis proles bryoides (Jord.) Rouy & Foucaud

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  12. Synonym of Silene acaulis subsp. bryoides (Jord.) Nyman
  13. infraspecificname: Silene colorata proles distachya (Brot.) Samp.

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  15. Synonym of Silene bellidifolia Juss. ex Jacq.
  16. infraspecificname: Silene nocturna proles permixta (Jord.) Rouy & Foucaud

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  18. Synonym of Silene nocturna subsp. nocturna null
  19. infraspecificname: Silene graminifolia lusus tenuis (Willd.) Regel

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  21. Synonym of Silene amoena L.
  22. infraspecificname: Silene vallesia proles graminea (Vis. ex Rchb.) Rouy & Foucaud

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  24. Synonym of Silene vallesia subsp. graminea (Vis. ex Rchb.) Nyman
  25. infraspecificname: Silene nocturna proles brachypetala (Robill. & Castagne ex DC.) Rouy & Foucaud

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  27. Synonym of Silene nocturna subsp. nocturna null
  28. infraspecificname: Silene cucubalus proles stenocalyx (F.Gérard) Rouy & Foucaud

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  30. Synonym of Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris null