Search for Oenothera grandiflora returned 20 results.

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  • Taxonomic rank: Infraspecific Name


  1. infraspecificname: Oenothera communis proles biennis (L.) H.Lév.

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  3. Synonym of Oenothera biennis L.
  4. infraspecificname: Oenothera communis proles erosa (Lehm.) H.Lév.

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  6. Synonym of Oenothera villosa subsp. villosa null
  7. infraspecificname: Oenothera gayophytum proles philippiana H.Lév.

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  9. Synonym of Gayophytum humile Juss.
  10. infraspecificname: Oenothera torulosa proles helianthemiflora H.Lév.

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  12. Synonym of Camissonia campestris subsp. campestris null
  13. infraspecificname: Potentilla grandiflora proles pedemontana (Boiss. & Reut.) Th.Wolf

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  15. Synonym of Potentilla grandiflora L.
  16. infraspecificname: Anemone hortensis proles grandiflora (Pons) Rouy & Foucaud

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  18. Synonym of Anemone hortensis subsp. hortensis null
  19. infraspecificname: Pinguicula grandiflora proles reuteri (P.A.Genty) Rouy

  20. View images of species within this infraspecificname
  21. Synonym of Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. rosea (Mutel) Casper
  22. infraspecificname: Pinguicula grandiflora proles juratensis (Bernard) Rouy

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  24. Synonym of Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. rosea (Mutel) Casper
  25. infraspecificname: Collomia grandiflora proles europaea P.Fourn.

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  27. Synonym of Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl.
  28. infraspecificname: Arabis petraea lusus grandiflora Regel

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  30. Synonym of Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz