Search for Lejeunea glaucescens returned 9 results.

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  • Taxonomic rank: Infraspecific Name


  1. infraspecificname: Polygala vulgaris proles lejeunei (Boreau) Rouy & Foucaud

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  3. Synonym of Polygala comosa subsp. comosa null
  4. infraspecificname: Lavandula × cavanillesii nothovar. glaucescens (D.Guillot & R.Roselló) P.P.Ferrer, Guillot & Rosselló

  5. infraspecificname: Alchemilla pubescens proles glaucescens (Wallr.) Asch. & Graebn.

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  7. Synonym of Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr.
  8. infraspecificname: Polygonum polymorphum modif. glaucescens R.Keller

  9. infraspecificname: Thalictrum foetidum lusus glaucescens Regel

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  11. Synonym of Thalictrum foetidum subsp. foetidum null
  12. infraspecificname: Eruca sativa proles glabrescens (Jord.) Rouy & Foucaud

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  14. Synonym of Eruca sativa Mill.
  15. infraspecificname: Papaver alpinum lusus glabrescens Regel

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  17. Synonym of Oreomecon nudicaulis subsp. nudicaulis null
  18. infraspecificname: Astragalus spruneri proles glabrescens (Pančić) Asch. & Graebn.

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  20. Synonym of Astragalus monspessulanus subsp. wulfenii (W.D.J.Koch) Arcang.
  21. infraspecificname: Papaver alpinum lusus glabrescens Regel

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  23. Synonym of Oreomecon nudicaulis subsp. nudicaulis null
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