Search for Kalmia latifolia returned 19 results.

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  • Taxonomic rank: Infraspecific Name


  1. infraspecificname: Epipactis latifolia proles viridiflora (Hoffm.) Rouy

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  3. Synonym of Epipactis purpurata subsp. purpurata null
  4. infraspecificname: Gypsophila acutifolia lusus latifolia (Fenzl) Regel

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  6. Synonym of Gypsophila acutifolia Steven ex Spreng.
  7. infraspecificname: Betula alba lusus latifolia (Tausch) Regel

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  9. Synonym of Betula papyrifera Marshall
  10. infraspecificname: Sorbus aria proles latifolia (Lam.) Samp.

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  12. Synonym of Karpatiosorbus latifolia (Lam.) Sennikov & Kurtto
  13. infraspecificname: Peperomia myrtifolia lusus latifolia (Miq.) Miq.

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  15. Synonym of Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr.
  16. infraspecificname: Orchis latifolia proles sesquipedala (Willd.) Rouy

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  18. Synonym of Dactylorhiza elata (Poir.) SoĆ³
  19. infraspecificname: Epipactis latifolia proles rubiginosa (Crantz) Samp.

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  21. Synonym of Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser
  22. infraspecificname: Spiraea alba proles latifolia (Aiton) Asch. & Graebn.

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  24. Synonym of Spiraea alba var. latifolia (Aiton) Dippel
  25. infraspecificname: Convallaria majalis convar. latifolia (Mill.) Ponert

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  27. Synonym of Convallaria majalis L.
  28. infraspecificname: Prunus sativa proles latifolia (Jord. & Fourr.) Rouy & E.G.Camus

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  30. Synonym of Prunus domestica L.